All LSACQ employees are trained and certified by MSHA, and committed to an accident-free workplace with a principal focus on zero incidents. Our goal is to provide the safest work environment for employees, business partners, subcontractors, and customers. Safety, quality, and integrity are the core values used to create this culture. We consider every company employee a safety officer, mentor, and teacher; making safety an automatic response – not an afterthought.

A “safety first” mindset is a requirement of employment in our company. We trust our employees to do the right thing, even when no one is looking. We have established a process of open communication with a commitment to safety that includes a pledge of personal responsibility. Our expectation is to work as a Team, watch out for each other, speak up when we see an unsafe condition and if you do, stop immediately and take action to correct it.

The employees in our company are what set us apart from others in the mining/quarrying industry. It is common to have second, third, and fourth generations working at our facilities. LSACQ will continue and maintain success and dedication to the health and safety of all employees – our most valued asset.


Facility Address:  5 Frontage Road, Clinton, Hunterdon County, New Jersey 08809

Corporate Headquarters and Mailing Address:  3498 Route 22 West, Branchburg, New Jersey 08876

Phone:  908-323-2326

Fax:  908-323-2152

Email:  [email protected]