The Liberty Stone & Aggregates – Clinton Quarry, LLC comprises of approximately 54 acres and is located at 5 Frontage Road, Clinton, in Hunterdon County, New Jersey. The reclamation plan for the site was approved by Union Township. Associated permits will be provided upon request.
The reclamation plan for the site includes the need to import clean fill material. The following outlines the minimum requirements for fill acceptance procedures, including types of materials, the application and review process, sampling and analysis requirements, and field quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) procedures.
The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) has released a guidance document entitled, “Fill Material Guidance for SRP Sites,” updated April 2015 which is herein referred to as “the Guidance.” The Guidance outlines testing frequency for materials intended for use at sites that are in the Site Remediation Program (SRP). The sampling frequencies developed in this guidance document are not binding to non-SRP sites; however, it is the only NJDEP document that outlines a procedure for certification of clean fill.
The following soil acceptance plan for LSACQ has been developed in general accordance with the Guidance and exceeds any current regulatory requirements established by the NJDEP required to document clean soil for sites which are not regulated under the Site Remediation Program. The purpose of this plan is to ensure that appropriate procedures are followed to document the quality of soils imported to the LSACQ site to achieve reclamation of the quarry.
The following clean fill may be imported to this site as part of this reclamation:
The following fill types will not be accepted for reclamation by LSACQ under this protocol:
Clinton Quarry will require that each source applicant will provide a Site Review of the potential donor site prepared by a qualified environmental professional. The purpose of the Site Review is to assess the likely types of potential fill impacts at the donor site from both natural or anthropogenic sources. The review must include a summary of historical data, past and present site use information for the proposed donor site. Sources of information may include Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessments, Preliminary Assessment Reports, aerial photography, NJDEP database review, or other readily available information.
The applicant will use the information obtained from the Site review to complete the Clean Fill Source Application form and provide a complete site use history and conditions summary with each application. The application must provide an environmental summary of available information regarding the history of the site, an inspection prepared by a qualified environmental professional, and must include legible copies of all historic and current soil or groundwater sampling data available to the applicant.
At a minimum, the application form will include the following information:
Each applicant must submit a completed and signed application form with all required supplemental information. LSACQ or its consultant will review the application to determine if the fill may be accepted. LSACQ will complete a Clean Fill Review Form (Attachment B) for each application deemed completed and evaluated for acceptance. If approved, the source will be provided with a Clean Fill Source Acceptance Note (Attachment C) with a source approval number for a defined quantity of fill from LSACQ. A copy of the application packages and LSACQ review forms will be retained at LSACQ’s office for review by the municipality, if required.
All clean fill shall be below the NJDEP Residential Direct Contact Fill Remediation Standards (RDCSRS). If there are exceedances to the default impact to Groundwater Fill Screening Levels (IGWSSL), then subsequent SPLP testing results should demonstrate that the leachate concentrations are below the New Jersey SPLP Default Leachate Criteria for Class II Impact to Groundwater. The samples should be acquired by a trained technician or a qualified person in accordance with the NJDEP Field Sampling Procedures Manual (August 2005 and various updates) and analyzed in accordance with the N.J.A.C 7.26E Technical Requirements for Site Remediation (TRSR).
General Sampling Requirements
For any source of clean fill, LSACQ requires complete documentation regarding any previous sampling conducted at the site. While all historical sampling data must be provided, final donor site approval by LSACQ will be based on sampling data results which meet current NJDEP quality control requirements. The fill category definitions are provided below and sampling frequencies and analytical requirements that should be used to establish the characteristics of a potential clean fill source are summarized in Tables 1 and 2, below. Further reductions in sampling frequency may be permitted, but appropriate justification for the reduction will need to be provided by the professional conducting the investigation in the clean fill application document. Depending upon the site conditions and variability of the fill LSACQ may require additional sampling beyond that outlined in the tables.
NJDEP recognizes that non-SRP sites require varying degrees of sampling to ensure fill acceptability; therefore, they do not provide guidance regarding the frequency or analysis for clean fill testing for use on non-SRP sites. While there can be no replacement for professional judgement and experience, it is recognized that generally acceptable criteria have been established for fill importation to LSACQ.
The following fill categories are inclusive of all the sources eligible to be approved for fill use in the Quarry:
Category I – Fill from other licensed quarry/mines or from sites with undisturbed geological formations which are not suspected to have been impacted by discharges from on or offsite; or, fill obtained from undeveloped land previously used for agricultural, passive recreation, etc. with no significant paved parking facilities or significant historic development.
Category II – Fill obtained from non-industrial commercial sites, residential developments, etc. with no history of environmental impacts.
Category III – Fill obtained from areas which were previously developed, including historic areas, former industrial or commercial sites or portions of sites which are not known to be contaminated, urban re-development sites, etc. with either no history of environmental problems or from uncontaminated areas of sites which have received a No Further Action (NFA) approval from NJDEP or a Response Action Outcome (RAO) from an LSRP or which are undergoing remediation under LSRP oversight.
Facility Address: 5 Frontage Road, Clinton, Hunterdon County, New Jersey 08809
Corporate Headquarters and Mailing Address: 3498 Route 22 West, Branchburg, New Jersey 08876
Phone: 908-323-2326
Fax: 908-323-2152
Email: [email protected]